
Lords of the fallen shield enemies
Lords of the fallen shield enemies

lords of the fallen shield enemies

There, the deceased warriors become einherjar ( Old Norse "single (or once) fighters" ). Selecting among half of those who die in battle (the other half go to the goddess Freyja's afterlife field Fólkvangr), the valkyries take their chosen to the afterlife hall of the slain, Valhalla, ruled over by the god Odin. In Norse mythology, a valkyrie ( / v æ l ˈ k ɪər i, - ˈ k aɪ r i, v ɑː l-, ˈ v æ l k ər i/ from Old Norse valkyrja, "chooser of the slain") is one of a host of female figures who choose those who may die in battle and those who may live. Fights against them are fairly straightforward: avoid/block attacks whenever you need to and strike when you gain an opening and they will quickly fall (note: on earlier levels they are easily stumbled by blocks).The "valkyrie from Hårby", silver-gilt figurine depicting a female with a sword and shield, often interpreted to be a valkyrie Also watch for a variant of the slash attack, where they will do a single slow slash followed by three quicker slashes one after another that can take out a fair amount of health if you get reckless in your attacks.

lords of the fallen shield enemies

Be careful however because they will occasionally reach for you in an attempt to grab and bite you, taking out a large chunk of health in the process. Once aggrivated, they will follow a general set of attacks, with basic slashes, spins and slams used to deal moderate damage with each blow.

lords of the fallen shield enemies

While many of them simply stand in place like most enemies waiting for you to approach before attacking, some will play dead, laying on the ground until you are near and stand up to try and land a sneak attack. These enemies are found mainly in the Monastery, the Crypts, and throughout the Citadel Walls. Infested are humans that have become infected by the Rhogar plague and are now shambling zombie-like monstrosites that become agressive when angered and cause poison damage in their later forms.

Lords of the fallen shield enemies